
Reforming the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) in Illinois: Protecting Privacy Without Punishing Small Businesses


Illinois’s Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) was enacted with good intentions – to safeguard individuals’ biometric privacy, including fingerprints and eye scans. The protection of biometric data is crucial in an increasingly digital world, but the current state of BIPA raises concerns. Thousands of small businesses that utilize biometric technology are facing lawsuits under this law, with the most prominent case being White Castle, which potentially faces a staggering $17 billion in exposure. It’s essential…

Victor Gomez, Executive Director of CA CALA, sits down with California Insider


Victor Gomez, Executive Director of California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CA CALA), sits down with California Insider to expose the abuse of California laws by trial attorneys to target small businesses with frivolous lawsuits. Gomez reveals how trial attorneys exploit minor errors by small businesses to rake in cash but ultimately hurt the communities the laws are supposed to protect.